How to stop seeking Validation
We seek validation from others when we are unsure or doubtful about something. It is good to take advice, however, seeking validation on a continuous basis makes us less confident. We rely on others and stop trusting our own instincts and judgement.
1. Increase Self Awareness : Recognise when you are feeling unsure, doubtful or uncertain about something. The more self aware you are the easier it will be for you to understand and keep a check when and how you are seeking validation.
2. Understand why you need approval : Before turning to others ask yourself "What do I think about this?" "Why do I need to ask this person about this". Try to take sometime to think why is it that you are seeking for validation on that particular event or situation. Whom are you seeking validation from?
3. Trust your inner voice : It might be scary at first but do what you feel is right. Tell yourself that your knowledge is enough to decide upon something. The more you trust your instinct the more confident you get.
4. Do what makes you comfortable : "Before asking someone else let me try it my own way. What will make me comfortable? What do I feel is the right way?" Base all your decisions on your comfort. It is the easiest way to get things done.
5. Embrace your uniqueness : Everyone has their own unique style of doing things. Stop trying to fit in, learn about life your own way. You will gradually learn that your way is better as it is developed by you.
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